Geometric patterns and shapes were very popular backgrounds, or fillers at Willis, as you see them appear quite often on the replacement overlays. When it is executed well, it can work with the cabinet or game theme and really tie the overlay into the overall design. That’s not what is happening here on the Willis Sinistar replacement control panel overlay. The main theme seems to be a maze of chrome pipes, with fittings strewn randomly about, though symmetrical. And beneath that a layer of small electronic bits, such as resistors, wires and connectors of some type. All connected by what could be described as a large black ground bus bar. What an odd mix of plumbing and electronics, something you wouldn’t expect on your Sinistar control panel overlay. I don’t really think plumbing when I think Sinistar, though you could argue that the artist was trying to tie into the pipes or conduit you see on the original control panel overlay, or even on the cockpit sideart, the problem is that this design feels very rigid where the original felt more organic or fluid. We still see the typical Willis quality, with a 5 color screening process, die-cuts, and 3M materials for production. This one is in great shape, missing just the one die cut piece. The overlay has the © 1983 by WILLIS ™ style text logo and the part number, “PART NO. 2009”, which means it may have been distributed by Wico.

From the original Tokens Only post…

Nope! My first post about this overlay.


I’ve only seen this one example of the Sinistar replacement control panel overlay, making this a little harder to find than most Willis pieces.  If you happen to have one installed on your cabinet I would like to see it, please reach out, thanks!